Seed type (1) - Seeded 1/ Seed type (2) - Seedless1/
1/ Applicable to Types V, VII, and X.
3.1 Processing: The fresh or frozen bread shall be prepared in accordance with good manufacturing practice.
3.2 Ingredients: The fresh or frozen bread shall consist of flour, water, salt, yeast, emulsifiers or other stabilizers, and other ingredients appropriate for the type of bread specified in the solicitation, contract, or purchase order. The fresh or frozen bread shall include mold inhibitors of proper levels as allowed by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
3.2.1 Enriched flour: When the bread is enriched, the wheat flour used for the bread shall conform to the U.S. Standards of Identity for Enriched Flour (21 CFR 137.165) and shall be milled from a variety of hard and/or soft wheat.
3.3 Finished product:
3.3.1 Appearance and color: The fresh or frozen bread shall have a uniformly brown crust characteristic of the product. The fresh or frozen bread shall have a typical volume, characteristic grain, and be evenly baked without evidence of scorching or burninTg.he fresh or frozen bread
shall be sliced when specified. There shall be no foreign color to the product. The delivered fresh or frozen bread shall not be crushed or damaged.
3.3.2 Odor and flavor: The fresh or frozen bread shall have a flavor and aroma characteristic of the particular type of bread. There shall be no foreign odors or flavors such as, but not limited to, burnt, scorched, stale, rancid, or moldy.
3.3.3 Texture: The texture of the fresh or frozen bread shall have a characteristic texture for the type of bread. The fresh or frozen bread shall be firm, tender, uniformly brown crust character- istic of the product, except Type VI bread which shall have a firm, crisp crust. The baked product shall not contain specks of flour on the bottom of the bread.
3.3.4 Total solids content: The fresh and frozen bread total solids content of each type of bread shall be in accordance with the Standards of Identity for baked products.
3.3.5 Enrichment: The fresh and frozen bread shall have the enrichment ingredients evenly distributed in the finished product.
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